Are Electric Massagers Safe During Pregnancy

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Price: 47$ 299$

Risks of Using Handheld Massager While Pregnant: As with all things good, there is a negative side as well.  It would be remiss not to discu...
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Risks of Using Handheld Massager While Pregnant:

As with all things good, there is a negative side as well.  It would be remiss not to discuss the negative concerns of using a handheld massager while pregnant.  I know you’ve heard it repeatedly, but it bears repeating….speak with your doctor or healthcare provider first.

Just as getting a prenatal massage from a therapist is safe, using a massage chair while pregnant is fine. There are many benefits to massage during pregnancy: It can help you relax; ease anxiety and depression; relieve back pain, leg pain, and labor pain; and improve circulation. If it's difficult to get a massage with a licensed therapist and you have access to a massage chair, that can be a great alternative.

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Overview: Electric Acupuncture

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Are Electric Massagers Safe During Pregnancy

Are Electric Massagers Safe During Pregnancy

Are Electric Massagers Safe During Pregnancy

Are Electric Massagers Safe During Pregnancy

Are Electric Massagers Safe During Pregnancy

Some massage chair manufacturers recommend that pregnant women not use these chairs because of a concern that stimulating pressure points on the back could cause premature labor. However, there's no evidence that supports this claim. Massage chairs typically massage your back in a rolling, fluid motion, rather than holding intense and continuous pressure on one spot.

Take care while using a massage gun, since you (or someone giving you a massage) control its movement. Use a low to moderate setting, and don't hold intense and continuous pressure on one spot for too long.  While it is unlikely that using a massage gun could cause harm, there are studies showing that prolonged pressure on certain points can stimulate contractions.

Your baby is wrapped in many layers of muscle and fluid, keeping them well cushioned. When you sit in a massage chair, it's not much different for your baby than if you were getting a massage from a therapist.

There's no evidence that electromagnetic fields from these chairs are dangerous to you or your baby, either.

Don't use a massage chair on a high setting or for too long – it could give you sore muscles and make your back pain worse. If the way you're using a massage chair hurts or doesn't feel good, stop and take a break or adjust how you're using it.

In addition to massage, other ways to relieve pregnancy back pain include exercise, stretching, wearing a belly band or back brace, wearing supportive shoes, lifting with your knees, using good posture, and sleeping on your side with a pillow under your belly and pillow between your bent knees. Acupuncture by a practitioner skilled in performing acupuncture on pregnant women can also relieve back pain.

Keep in mind that lower back pain can be one subtle symptom of preterm labor. If you have a new ache in your lower back that comes and goes, especially if it is getting worse or wrapping around to your abdomen, contact your healthcare provider.

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