Lutec Australia PTY LTD Magnetic Generator

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Free Energy , Nikola Tesla & How We Use Free Energy Today: If you have any interest in Nikola Tesla, free energy, anti-gravity and 'New World Order' conspiracy theories then you should know that if it hadn't been for him and his invention (free energy) then our modern way of life would not be possible. In 1901 he won a patent for his AC generator which was nothing more than a magnetic motor/generator. This is what I call 'zero energy technology'. Today we have different variations of a magnetic generator however, they are very expensive to build and maintain but with little knowledge and effort you can actually make your own from common materials which will run forever without having to add anything.

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Lutec Australia PTY LTD Magnetic Generator

Lutec Australia PTY LTD Magnetic Generator

Lutec Australia PTY LTD Magnetic Generator

Lutec Australia PTY LTD Magnetic Generator

Lutec Australia PTY LTD Magnetic Generator

Lutec Australia PTY LTD Magnetic Generator

Lutec Australia PTY LTD Magnetic Generator

Lutec Australia PTY LTD Magnetic Generator

This motor generator is a great way to generate free electricity and it also doesn’t create any pollution. This motor/generator doesn’t use harmful, toxic, corrosive or volatile gases as do most AC Generators used in many forms of energy production (e.g. coal-fired power plants). The Lutec Motor Generator simply uses coils made from lutetium and iron to produce electricity when connected to an external magnetic field. The Lutec Motor Generator produces approximately 1 kW for each kilogram of lutetium used, making it one of a kind! The device can be small enough that fits on your desktop or table top and can produce enough energy for your house or business as well!

Australia PTY LTD Magnetic Generator: Magnetic Generator For Sale Australia

Lutec’s innovative approach has resulted in a revolutionary product with multiple world-first achievements. The MagStik is one of the first compact permanent magnet motors developed by Lutec. It represents a new benchmark in terms of size, weight and power for devices that rely on Permanent Magnet DC Machines (PMDCMs). The device is offered at a very competitive price, taking into account its high efficiency, small form factor and exceptional quality. This is possible due to Lutec’s unique manufacturing techniques which produce extremely efficient products with no hidden cost factors or compromises.

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