Magnetic Generator Blueprint

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The Free Energy Magnetic Generator is a real hidden government technology listed as black project. The origin of this technology is Nikola T...
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The Free Energy Magnetic Generator is a real hidden government technology listed as black project. The origin of this technology is Nikola Tesla. The generator uses Ether's causal protocol to generate over unity- free energy. This magnetic generator can be built anywhere, any time by anyone. You don't need to obtain any special permit or license, and it does not create any pollution or cause any vibration or noise in your surrounding environment. The main component of Magnet Power Generator are two (2) circular coils which are assembled from several turns of insulated wire (teflon coated) , wound around a non-magnetic cylindrical iron core.

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۞Secret of NIKOLA TESLA: Rotating Magnetic Field 🧐۞

✰ Honestly, it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen and in a fe w minutes from now you’ll be outraged you ever paid a single cent to Big Electric…
✰ So you absolutely need to watch this short presentation today, while it’s still up…
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Review: Nikola Tesla Generator

Image related (illustration) to the content:

Magnetic Generator Blueprint

Magnetic Generator Blueprint

Magnetic Generator Blueprint

Magnetic Generator Blueprint

Magnetic Generator Blueprint

Magnetic Generator Blueprint

Magnetic Generator Blueprint

Also See: Lutec Australia PTY LTD Magnetic Generator

In 1882, Nikola Tesla discovered that rotating magnetic fields generate electricity. He called his discovery Tesla Electricity. For about two decades, he researched ways to collect and distribute electricity using these principles. His research was shut down by government agencies in 1901 and all of his records on free energy were seized. 

This is hidden government technology, listed as black project. The origin of this technology is Nikola Tesla. The generator uses Ether's causal protocol to generate Overunity - free energy. This was a great discovery because it was well know that ether caused most of our universe and all things in it, to not only exist but actually be propelled from an ever changing sea of potential to a reality or zero point where its dynamic motion created everything else in our known universe.

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