Herbalife Weight Loss Meal Plan

Eating regular meals and snacks is essential to keeping your metabolism operating at a high level. Eating five or six small meals a day, consisting of lean protein, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables will help you lose weight by keeping your blood sugar stable throughout the day. You should also cut out all sugary beverages such as soda, juice and sports drinks (including energy drinks). These drinks contain nothing but calories that you do not need and they are not good for your body! Limit other liquids like milk or fruit juice in order to reduce unnecessary calories from beverages. Drinking plenty of water will help you feel full without eating too many empty calories! Set yourself up for success by building healthy habits early on.

A weight loss meal plan is important in helping you lose weight, but they shouldn’t be viewed as a diet. Instead, think of it as fuel for your body. The more efficiently your body functions, and recovers from exercise, injury or illness, for example, the better it will be at achieving optimal health goals (including weight loss). The foundation of an effective meal plan is three balanced meals per day and that is all you need to take care of yourself.

✬ Herbalife Meal Plan: First Month Weight Loss Program ✬


1. Drink Fresh Water

  • 2 – 3 glass of plain water early morning would clean your whole digestive system.

2. Drink Afresh Energy Drink (300 mL)

  • 2 Spoon of Afresh Energy Drink powder in 300 mL of water.
  • You may drink it warm or cold, but it is always recommendable to take it with warm water

3. 15 Mins after Your Drinking Afresh: Take Cell-U-Loss Tablet (100 mL)

  • 1 Cell-U-Loss Tablet 15min after taking Afresh Energy Drink with 100ml normal water.

3. 30 Mins after Your Drinking Afresh: Drink Formula 1 Shake and  Personalized Protein Powder (400 mL)

  • 3 Flat spoons of F1(Nutritional Shake Mix) and 2 Flat spoons of F3 (Personalized Protein Powder) in 400 mL normal water or (200 ml toned milk + 200 ml normal water) or (200 ml any fruit juice + 200 ml normal water) .
  • If you decided to use a blender(mixer) to mix them, do not blend for more than 5 seconds or you will damage the nutrients contained in F1.

4. (Optional): ONE Hour after Your Shake: Drink Afresh Energy Drink to achieve more faster weight loss result (300 mL)

  • 2 Spoon of Afresh Energy Drink powder in 300 mL of water.
  • You may drink it warm or cold, but it is always recommendable to take it with warm water


1. 15 min before Lunch: Take Cell-U-Loss Tablet (200 mL)

  • 1 Cell-U-Loss Tablet 15min before taking lunch with 200ml normal water.

2. Take Colorfull Lunch

  • Less calories
  • Less oily
  • More colouring vegetables
  • Fruits

​** can switch with a Shake if your dinner is a Normal meal.

3. (Optional): ONE Hour after Lunch: Drink Afresh Energy Drink to achieve more faster weight loss result (300 mL)

  • 2 Spoon of Afresh Energy Drink powder in 300 mL of water.
  • You may drink it warm or cold, but it is always recommendable to take it with warm water.

4. UNABLE to Finish the Required Amount of Water per Day by 8 PM?

  • You should not try to reach your water intake goal after 8 PM, just forget it and try again tomorrow.
  • Drinking NO water or just a little bit of water after 8 PM is to avoid water retention in your body, which will result in gaining water weight.

1. Drink Afresh Energy Drink (300 mL)

  • 2 Spoon of Afresh Energy Drink powder in 300 mL of water.
  • You may drink it warm or cold, but it is always recommendable to take it with warm water

3. 15 Minutes after Your Drinking Afresh: Take Cell-U-Loss Tablet (100 mL)

  • 1 Cell-U-Loss Tablet 15min after taking Afresh Energy Drink with 100ml normal water.

2. Drink Formula 1 Shake (400 mL) – No Protein

  • 3 Flat spoons of F1(Nutritional Shake Mix) in 400 mL normal water or (200 ml toned milk + 200 ml normal water) or (200 ml jouce of any frout + 200 ml normal water) .
  • If you decided to use a blender(mixer) to mix them, do not blend for more than 5 seconds or you will damage the nutrients contained in F1.

** can switch with a Normal meal if your lunch is a Shake

A GAME CHANGER! How to Burn Fat and Build Muscle WITHOUT Diet or Exercise!
Here it is: The Tropical Secret For Healthy Weight Loss

This incredible fat-dissolving loophole had been hidden for centuries by a small number of families on a remote Vietnamese island, try it for yourself here.

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Herbalife Weight Loss Meal Plan

Herbalife Weight Loss Meal Plan

Herbalife Weight Loss Meal Plan

Herbalife Weight Loss Meal Plan

Herbalife Weight Loss Meal Plan

Herbalife Weight Loss Meal Plan

Herbalife Weight Loss Meal Plan

Herbalife Weight Loss Meal Plan

Herbalife Weight Loss Meal Plan

Herbalife Weight Loss Meal Plan

A natural herbal extract is a safe way to lose weight. In order to choose a right plan for your needs, you will need to do some planning in advance. The first step is picking out your meal plan; decide what level of weight loss you want to experience and search within each level to find which one seems best suited for you. You can then consider which option (Herbalife) fits best into your lifestyle, from there compare and contrast each available option. Look at all meal plans carefully and don’t forget about preparation time as well. Remember that Herbalife meals are designed for quick preparation, so take note of any special meals or other items needed when making your final decision on what meal plan works best for you.

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