Herbs For Losing Weight

The reality of the 21st century, overweight and obesity are constantly increasing in the world. According to a 2016 forecast published by WHO, almost a third of adults worldwide are overweight and almost one in 10 are obese [1]. Complications from being overweight and obese can be very serious for health, from heart problems to diabetes.

However, there are still natural and effective solutions to assist you in your weight loss strategy.

Are you overweight? Do you follow a slimming diet? Read the rest of this article and discover all our tips on slimming botanicals and choosing the best plants for weight loss.

Herbs For Losing Weight

Chinese Herbal Teas - We Discuss Chinese Herbal Teas

Chinese herbal teas are known for their many health benefits, which include improved digestion, stress relief, weight loss and maintenance, and even memory enhancement. They are made from various parts of the plant, including the leaves, flowers, seeds, roots, bark, and stems. The best Chinese herbal teas, based on Ayurvedan herbal medicine, use different herb combinations to achieve specific health benefits.

Modern Chinese herbal teas use three types of herbs - an essential healing herb, an herb to supplement the healing, and a flavoring herb to make it drinkable. They may be taken as dietary supplements or used in cooking. Here are some popular Chinese herbal teas and their benefits.

1. Ginkgo biloba tea

Ginkgo biloba is known to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in the body, preventing heart disease. It is also touted as a memory herb - several studies show that it improves blood circulation to the brain and slows down the degeneration of brain cells. Fresh ginkgo leaves work better than dried, but they are harder to find and usually more expensive.

2. Green tea

Green tea is made from leaves that have undergone very little oxidation during processing (black tea uses fully oxidized leaves). It is commonly used for weight loss and digestion, and may be consumed fresh or used in cooking. It is also said to help prevent cancer, but there are no studies backing this claim.

3. Oolong tea

Oolong tea is processed with 10% to 70% oxidation, darker than green tea but lighter than black tea. There are different types of Chinese Oolong tea, but the most famous are those grown in the Wu Yi mountain province. Oolong tea is high in antioxidants, which help fight free radicals - substances that damage the cells and make the body prone to disease.

4. Jiaogulan tea

Known as China's "immortality herb" Jiaogulan is one of the most famous Chinese herbal teas. Besides antioxidants, it also contains adaptogens and saponins - a group of chemicals that promotes self-regulation, a key factor in treating diabetes. It also lowers blood cholesterol and blood sugar and reduces the risk of heart disease.


WEIGHT WEIGHT AND LOSE: HOW does the body react?

Before talking about slimming plants, let's talk about the physiology and mechanisms of weight gain and weight loss.

Being overweight is the result of an imbalance between calorie intake and consumption. In other words, being overweight or obese is the result of consuming a significant amount of calories (through food) accompanied by low calorie expenditure, often due to inactivity. Other endocrine and environmental factors may also be involved.


They all occur in adipose tissue. Fat cells (fat cells) have the ability to store energy that will be mobilized by the body when needed. This process is natural but can be amplified by significant amounts in the diet or by other factors, such as hormones. Weight gain is the result of an imbalance between calorie intake and consumption. Due to this excessive calorie intake, fat cells fill up with fat and increase in volume, a phenomenon known as adipocyte hypertrophy [2].

These hypertrophic cells then proliferate and multiply excessively, which is adipocyte hyperplasia [2]. This increase in fat cells is favored by overconsumption of protein in the diet.


💡 Do you feel like you've lost weight? We explain to you what really happened in your body. Indeed, weight loss does not mean fat loss. Weight loss is also associated with loss of water and muscle as well as loss of toxins. The human body is made up of 60% water and when you lose weight, you inevitably lose water, either through urine or sweat. Losing weight also means losing fat. The removal of stored fat in adipocytes is a result of their oxidation caused by physical activity [3]. In this case, the amount of calories consumed is greater than the energy consumed.

If you're overweight, you're definitely looking for a strategy to lose that extra fat. There are natural and effective solutions to accompany you. One of them, which is still too little exploited, is the use of plants for rapid weight loss.


Are you a few pounds overweight? Are you following a slimming diet with disappointing results? There are several solutions to assist you in your weight loss strategy. Among these solutions, there is the use of slimming plants in the form of herbal teas, capsules or essential oils.

Even if there is little scientific research regarding the use of medicinal plants for weight loss, their use has traditionally been very popular around the world. Not ashamed of being a panacea, slimming plants have the effect of losing weight.

Of course, you have to keep in mind that these are supplements to help you reach your goals faster, but they must be taken in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle to be effective.
What types of trees are there? What are the best measures to lose weight? What is their mode of action and what is their dosage?


Combined with a healthy diet and regular physical activity, certain plants can boost your diet weight loss efforts. How do they act? There are three main types of slimming plants according to their mode of action:
  • Plant appetite suppressants;
  • Fat burning plants;
  • Digestive plants.
A GAME CHANGER! How to Burn Fat and Build Muscle WITHOUT Diet or Exercise!
Here it is: The Tropical Secret For Healthy Weight Loss

This incredible fat-dissolving loophole had been hidden for centuries by a small number of families on a remote Vietnamese island, try it for yourself here.


Have you gained a few extra pounds and want to start a slimming diet? After careful selection, we are going to look at 5 of the best plants for quick weight loss: natural ingredients that you can use without risk to your health while enjoying make full use of their benefits.

KONJAC: Inhibits appetite for weight loss

Konjac tuberous roots on wooden background. The root evokes elephant feet (brown, round shape).
🌿 Konjac is a plant of the Ayaceae family, native to Southeast Asian countries, it grows naturally, especially in China, Japan and Korea. . Konjac was heavily used in Japan during the 18th century to fight cancer, but was later shown not to fight cancer.

The interest of konjac lies in its high vitamin B6 content, very low calorie content (under 15 kcal / 100 grams) and the glucomannan fibers in it. This makes it a slimming plant of choice.

🔥 How does Konjac help with weight loss?

Konjac is a plant rich in fiber and very low in calories, it contains a large amount of glucomannan, this type of fiber has the ability to absorb water hundreds of times its weight. These properties make konjac an excellent remedy for weight loss. It is especially recommended for people who have a hard time controlling their eating habits and who tend to overeat.

Glucomannan fibers, which can absorb large amounts of water and thus increase the volume in the stomach, increase satiety and prolong satiety. According to one study, glucomannan can also reduce the secretion of appetite-stimulating hormone (ghrelin) [5], making konjac an effective appetite suppressant that helps reduce daily calorie intake while still feeling full. no. Another study performed on 6 obese individuals demonstrated the short-term effectiveness of glucomannan, the main compound in konjac, in reducing body weight [6].

In addition to its benefits in weight management, konjac also helps regulate blood sugar levels by reducing sugar absorption, avoiding bloating, and its high vitamin B6 content provides the energy needed for an active metabolism. good motion.

💊 How to consume konjac for weight loss?

Konjac has many forms, in France we often see:
  • Konjac capsules: you should take one to two konjac capsules with a glass of water about twenty minutes before a meal, this allows it time to swell in the stomach and act like a hangover.
  • Konjac powder: just like konjac capsules, it has a similar appetite suppressant effect, just dilute one or two tablespoons of konjac powder in a glass of water and take it about 20 minutes before a meal.
  • Vermicelli: made from konjac rhizomes, often used to replace traditional starches (pasta, rice) to prepare low-calorie dishes.
  • If you decide to take konjac in capsule or powder form, it is imperative that you respect the dosage indicated for better effects.

GREEN COFFEE: An ally for fat loss?

A branch with green coffee beans.🌿 Green coffee beans are the seeds of unroasted coffee berries, the ripe fruit of the coffee tree. So green coffee has all the natural properties of coffee because it doesn't go through the roasting process. Indeed, roasting changes the chemical composition of the coffee. It reduces the caffeine content and chlorogenic acid, the main active compounds in coffee [7].
Thanks to caffeine, green coffee has antioxidant activities and is involved in central nervous system stimulation and myocardial stimulation [8].

Studies have shown beneficial effects of green coffee extract on glycemic control, blood pressure, lipids, and appetite reduction in people with metabolic syndrome [9, 10].

So what about the effect of green coffee in a slimming diet? Is green coffee effective for weight loss? Discover the effects of green coffee on weight loss.

🔥 Effects and actions of coffee on weight loss

Green coffee has long been used in diets alongside healthy eating and regular physical activity. The effects of green coffee compounds, caffeine and chlorogenic acid, among others, are numerous. Green coffee beans are used as a functional food that is said to be effective in weight loss. Several compounds in green coffee play an important role in weight loss. [11, 12]

The effects of caffeine on weight loss have long been recognized. One study demonstrated the appetite-suppressing effects of caffeine by inhibiting the action of leptin, the satiety hormone. In addition, this study demonstrated a relationship between high caffeine intake and fat oxidation [13].

Chlorogenic acid, another major compound in green coffee, also plays an important role in weight loss and weight loss. Indeed, studies have demonstrated the appetite-suppressing effects of chlorogenic acid in relation to its antioxidant activity, which reduces adipocyte proliferation and fat loss by thermogenesis [14] .

💊Form and dosage

Green coffee is unroasted coffee beans, so it's not consumed like the coffee you're used to.
  • If you buy green coffee beans, soak them overnight in cold water. Drink up to two cups per day, preferably early in the day, avoiding combinations of other sources of caffeine.
  • Green coffee is also sold as a capsule or supplement, which is enriched with chlorogenic acid. It is necessary to respect the dosage stated in the product.
  • Other forms of green coffee exist on the market: sachets or sticks. It is recommended to take 2 to 3 sachets or sticks per day.

It must be remembered that green coffee alone does not replace a healthy diet combined with regular physical activity. The effectiveness of green coffee alone is not recognized.

Contraindications and side effects

Due to its high caffeine content, green coffee is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems or insomnia. It is also contraindicated in pregnant or lactating women and children.

Some side effects may be observed such as irritability or diarrhea. If necessary, consult your doctor before using supplements.


Green tea leaves on a field illuminated by the sun.

Since ancient times, green tea has always been exploited a lot for its health benefits, especially in Asian countries. Its effects on the body have been described extensively, mainly in Japan and China. Its uses, demonstrated for the first time in a real way, have been the subject of a number of studies aimed at showing the effects of its various components on the body, especially regarding the role of it in limiting lipid absorption and assimilation.

The effect of green tea in weight loss

The effects of green tea on the body are due to a combination of two of the ingredients it contains: caffeine (3 to 4%) as well as catechins (10 to 20%) causing an increase in concentration. norepinephrine in the body. . Noradrenaline allows, among other things, to increase the body's calorie consumption and also promotes lipid oxidation.

In recent years, studies [15] have been conducted on the action of different components contained in green tea on weight loss. The results showed that the catechins present in green tea significantly contributed to weight loss, especially during regular physical activity.

Studies have shown that green tea is rich in antioxidants [16] that help protect the body, especially during periods of fasting, in fact, these compounds provide nutritional support to the body. and helps prevent deficiencies that may arise from reducing daily calorie intake. input.

In addition to its fat-burning properties, green tea has a number of pharmacological properties, among others, it has anti-cancer effects [17], prevents cardiovascular diseases [18] and stimulates cognitive activity [19].

To maximize the effects of this slimming herb, you should combine it with a moderate diet and regular exercise.

💊 How to consume green tea for weight loss?

Infusions and decoctions are the primary forms in which green tea is taken, however, it can also be found in other forms such as herbal lozenges or capsules for weight loss.

It should be noted that excessive consumption of green tea can lead to chronic intoxication and neurosis (a disease of the tea drinker). Symptoms that appear in this case are insomnia, loss of appetite, excessive weight loss as well as digestive and neurological disorders. This is why it is not recommended to drink more than 3 to 4 cups of tea a day.


Nopal with green and pink fruit at the end of the leaf.
🌿 Nopal, or prickly pear, is a plant native to Central America, more precisely from central Mexico. It has been for a long time very popular and widely consumed in Mexico. The most common species is called Opuntia ficus indica, it grows in Central America, in the Mediterranean basin (especially in North Africa) and even in Western Asia.

Prickly pears are distinguished by different benefits due to their richness in various nutrients and bioactive compounds. Indeed, nopal is rich in vitamin C, flavonoids, and betalains, compounds that give it an important antioxidant property. In addition, nopal berries are rich in fiber and various nutrients.

Apart from the nutritional aspect, nopal is also used as a medicinal plant for healing and wound healing. Currently, many studies have demonstrated the benefits of nopal in medicine, especially in the case of type 2 diabetes. These medicinal properties are mainly due to the bioactive and phytochemical substances that are it contains [20]. Furthermore, nopal is known to be effective in weight loss, especially in the case of slimming diets.

🔥 Nopal: useful for slimming diet

Many scientific studies have been done to highlight the mechanism of action of nopal in weight loss and slimming diets.

Nopal has anti-greasy properties due to its high fiber content. Indeed, its fibers act as food fat sensors by binding to them. As a result, the body's absorption of these fats is significantly reduced, which ultimately leads to more effective body weight control [21].

In an American study, published in 2017, researchers demonstrated the effectiveness of nopal berries in neutralizing fat and fat cell hypertrophy caused by a high-fat diet. In addition, this study demonstrates the effect of nopal consumption on gut physiology and gut microbiota [22].

💊Form and designation

The nopal plant is a plant whose all parts are harnessed to benefit from the various compounds they contain. In the case of using it as part of a slimming diet, you can find it in supplement form: capsules or flower extracts. No contraindications have been indicated for its consumption. On the other hand, due to its high fiber content, consuming too much nopal can cause digestive upset.


Two yellow Garcinia berries hanging from a tree.🌿 Garcinia is a species of plant, in the family Clusiaceae, that grows mainly in tropical Asia, Australia and Africa. Its fruit, garcinia cambogia, is used in Asian cuisine, especially in India. Known as an effective appetite suppressant, it allows you to reach a state of fullness quickly, significantly reducing food intake.

The slimming effect of garcinia cambogia is due to the fact that it contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA). This compound acts to some extent as an appetite suppressant and fat burner.

🔥 Hydroxycitric Acid: Does It Really Make You Lose Weight?

Hydroxycitric acid is a compound found in garcinia cambogia, which is a derivative of citric acid. Studies done on this molecule have shown that it plays an important role in weight loss [23] and it works on several levels:
  • Lipid synthesis action [24]: hydroxycitric acid reduces the production of fatty acids, cholesterol and triglycerides. Research done on rodents has shown a reduction in the amount of body fat, as well as a decrease in the size of adipocytes (cells that store fat);
  • Increases lipid metabolism [25]: hydroxycitric acid helps burn fat. One study has shown that its use burns fat instead of carbohydrates during physical activity. It also has the effect of improving physical performance;
  • Stimulating thermogenesis: the combination of hydroxycitric acid with carnitine allows hepatocytes to activate thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is a natural mechanism that allows the body to maintain a constant temperature by burning fat.
  • Appetite-suppressing effects: one study [26] showed that hydroxycitric acid acts on serotonin, thereby regulating appetite and increasing satiety.

💊Form and dosage

Garcinia cambogia often appears in the form of dietary supplements. We recommend garcinia extract titrated in AHC for better effect. To optimize its effects, the recommended dose is between 250 and 1500 mg of hydroxycitric acid, administered in multiple doses [27]

❌The Danger of Garcinia

In 2012, EFSA decided to ban in France dietary supplements or preparations containing extracts of Garcinia Cambogia in combination with other natural ingredients, following adverse events occurring in the United States. Even if the causal relationship of Garcinia cambogia has never been proven, some French people question the ban and argue that it would be a dangerous product for health.


Also known as Paullinia cupana, guarana is a species of plant native to the Amazon. The seeds of this vine contain very high caffeine content: 4 times the amount of caffeine in coffee beans [28]. In addition to caffeine, guarana also contains xanthine, tannins, theophylline, some vitamins (A and E) as well as some mineral salts (especially calcium, potassium).

Studies have demonstrated the antibacterial and antioxidant activities of guarana [29, 30]. Thanks to its high caffeine content, guarana also has anti-fatigue, stimulant, cognitive and mood-enhancing properties [31]. In addition, guarana seeds protect against high blood pressure and have hepatoprotective activity [32].

A GAME CHANGER! How to Burn Fat and Build Muscle WITHOUT Diet or Exercise!
Here it is: The Tropical Secret For Healthy Weight Loss

This incredible fat-dissolving loophole had been hidden for centuries by a small number of families on a remote Vietnamese island, try it for yourself here.

🔥 Effects and actions of guarana for slimming

This type of amazon is often used as a functional food in slimming diets. Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of guarana, and in particular of its active ingredient, caffeine, in increasing calorie consumption, decreasing the rate of exertion, and its effect on satiety [33, 34] . In addition, guarana seeds are effective in controlling body weight by improving thermogenesis (the process of producing heat that helps eliminate excess calories) [32].

Furthermore, an epidemiological study [35] conducted in the Amazon on 637 people over 60 years of age showed that those who regularly used guarana had smaller waist circumferences than those who did not. Women who consumed guarana had lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).

💊Form and dosage

There are different preparations based on guarana: herbal tea, powder, capsules, drink, ampoules or tablets. For weight loss, guarana is used as a dietary supplement, generally in capsule form.

The recommended daily dose is 2 g to 4 g maximum per day, which should be taken before meals. The recommended duration of a course of guarana cure is 4 to 6 weeks. Due to its stimulant effect, it is recommended that you treat with guarana in the morning or afternoon.

❌Precautionary Measures

Contraindicated to use Guarana for pregnant or nursing women, children, people allergic to guarana compounds (caffeine and xanthine) as well as people with cardiovascular disorders, stomach ulcers or people with insomnia. Guarana should be taken occasionally or as a cure.

✰* ✰* ✰* ✰* ✰* 
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As exipure ingredients are natural, it is free from any synthetic component, Exipure is safe to use. Though, lactating and pregnant mothers should never take any supplements, let alone exipure

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Brown Fat vs White Fat


In addition to our selection of plants for weight loss, there are several other medicinal plants that are used in herbal medicine to combat overweight or treat obesity. They are recognized for their traditional use, over a long period of time, in various treatment strategies including weight loss.


The dandelion, or Taraxacum officinale, is a very common plant in the wild, often considered an invasive weed. This plant has significant health benefits, dandelion tea has anti-obesity effects similar to drugs used to fight obesity. This is due to the inhibition of pancreatic lipase (an enzyme secreted during digestion) thereby reducing the body's absorption of lipids [36].


Gymnema is a plant that came to us from India, it has always been used to lower blood sugar. That's not all ! Gymnema leaves are proven to be a great ally to help you with your diet and even lose weight. Indeed, studies have shown that gymnema contains compounds that alter our perception of sweetness in the mouth. In other words, a change in the taste of sugar. In addition, this plant helps reduce cravings and better control your meals [37, 38].


Originating from the Far East (China, Japan, Korea), ginseng has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. In addition to its recognized medicinal properties, ginseng can be very helpful for weight loss. We also wrote an article on ginseng for weight loss to tell you more about it.

Studies have highlighted the effectiveness of ginseng in weight loss. Therefore, scientific research has led to the explanation of how the active compounds of ginseng interfere in the prevention of fat formation in the body, as well as in the regulation of the intestinal microflora, due to That ginseng has anti-obesity effects [40] ].


🌿 Ginger, or zingiber officinalis, is a plant that grows in India. It is used in cooking because of its strong aromatic properties. In herbal medicine, the rhizome (underground part) is rich in gingerol. Thanks to its gingerol content, ginger combined with a balanced diet and regular physical activity is an effective herb for weight loss. We also wrote an article about ginger for weight loss to tell you more about it.

Thanks to ginger, fat accumulation is limited [41]. Indeed, ginger improves the effectiveness of leptin, the satiety hormone [42], and thus acts as an appetite suppressant.


🌿 This is a dietary supplement extracted from pepper (chili). It contains caffeine, piperine and niacin. Capsimax is an effective fat burner: its action includes accelerating metabolism to increase daily calorie consumption, thereby promoting weight loss [43].

To optimize the effects of capsimax, it should be combined with regular exercise and a moderate diet.


🌿 Also known as rhodiole, rhodiola rosea or rose hip, it is a species of plant in the family crassulaceae, it grows in cold regions, especially in the Arctic and Central Asia.

Rhodiola is best known for its anti-stress and uplifting benefits. However, its effective fat-burning effects [44] are still little known to the general public. The root contains turpentine, an active agent that contributes to the burning of fat reserves of the body.

Rhodiola is usually in capsule form, allowing for better absorption of nutrients. One tablet should be taken twenty minutes before each meal, this allows you to take advantage of its appetite suppressing effect.

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