Herbs For Weight Loss in Yoruba

Traditionally, African women used yoruba herbs to lose weight. Yoruba herbs have been used traditionally by African healers to treat different ailments including joint pains, dysentery and stomach aches. It is also one of best herbal extracts for weight loss. According to research findings, there are no side effects when using yoruba herb as an extract since it has been tested and proven medically. Also check out: Herbs For Weight Loss in Fulani

Herbal processing in South Africa to lose weight
Herbal processing in Yoruba to lose weight

In Nigeria, particularly in the South – Western region, several people have developed interest in Yoruba herbs for weight loss, and that is the main reason why i decided to write around the topic.

A number of herbs have been known to help people lose weight and keep it off. One herb is capable of mimicking brown adipose tissue, which burns white fat by creating heat. This method allows you to exercise in a gym without breaking a sweat or having to use any energy, while at home sitting comfortably on your couch. This allows you to control your body weight through diet, rather than exercise alone. The effect of these herbs lasts up to 12 hours after each dose, so it's recommended that one take them right before bedtime in order to reap their full benefits all day long (as they help you burn calories even while sleeping). It is also suggested that one drink one glass of water before taking a dose in order to properly hydrate oneself beforehand.

A GAME CHANGER! How to Burn Fat and Build Muscle WITHOUT Diet or Exercise!
Here it is: The Tropical Secret For Healthy Weight Loss

This incredible fat-dissolving loophole had been hidden for centuries by a small number of families on a remote Vietnamese island, try it for yourself here.

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Herbs For Weight Loss
Weight loss pills with herbal extracts

Several people wanted to lose weight because they are overweight, however some others are not really overweight, but wanted to achieve and maintain a certain shape, in order to remain beautiful and attractive.

Then there are those who are interested in weight loss for health reasons. They keep their weight in check so as to remain healthy. Some of them want to avoid certain diseases while some already have and are managing these diseases. Diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure can be triggered by obesity.

All in all, weight loss is a common term in today’s world.

As a matter fact, remedies for weight loss are in high-demand in Nigeria. There are orthodox and herbal remedies available in the markets for weight loss, but for the purpose of this article, we’re going to focus on the herbal remedies.

Related: Natural Herbs Tea For Weight Loss

Well not just herbal remedies but Yoruba herbs for weight loss.

There are many Yoruba herbs available today, each either serving a unique purpose or working together with another one to solve a health problem. At the end of this read, you’re going to know the top 3 Yoruba herbs for weight loss.

  • Cinnamon This is a proven and trusted Yoruba herbs that tackle weight loss. It is called “Oloorun” in Yoruba. You should note that nobody becomes overweight in a day, rather it is consistency in eating too many calories over a period of time that leads to a significant increase in weight. This same process is applied in weight loss if not more, so you must be consistent and patient with your body.

So how can cinnamon help you lose weight? Cinnamon is vital in the weight-loss process because it controls insulin levels in the body, brings down blood sugar levels, and burns belly fat. Most importantly, cinnamon boosts body metabolism, tones down appetite and decreases LDL cholesterol in the body.

  • Turmeric Turmeric is called Ata Pupa in Yoruba. It gives color to curry and is yellow-orange in colour. The herb has many health benefits and many people who use it are unaware of these benefits. Turmeric majorly has weight loss qualities because of its ability to ramp up metabolism. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can fight the inflammation that often comes with obesity and spike up your rate of burning fat.
  • Kidney Beans This herb provides a cheaper solution for your weight-loss goals. The Yorubas call it, “Ewa.” They burn fat and are packed with protein and fibre. They contain fat in low quantities and can fill you faster when you eat them. Although kidney beans are ideal for weight loss, they may not give you the “magic speed” you might be looking for.
Natural appetite suppressants to combat obesity, that is herbal extracts that trigger brown adipose tissue's effect on your body. The natural appetite suppressant can produce effects on weight loss and treatment of obesity by improving metabolism and increasing brown adipose tissue. Among these herbs are Calebin S, Garcinia Exilis, Gymnema Sylvestre and Cassia Nomame. The effectiveness of Herbs for weight loss such as Cassia Nomame in fat burning stems from its active ingredient: hydroxycitric acid (HCA). HCA inhibits protein synthesis in cells by blocking a vital enzyme called ATP-Citrate Lyase, which produces an important building block for fatty acids.

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